Follow Your Fuck Yes Part 2: The Power of Choice

Cutting Through the Illusion of More

I’ve been making a massive shift in my life. It has been initiated in part by the knowing that a more beautiful world is possible, and in part by exhaustion. The truth is, I’m tired. Tired of the endless treadmill. Tired of living for tomorrow. Tired of the illusion of separation and scarcity. I’m tired of being tired.

No longer do I want to prostrate to the god of Progress. It is a shallow well that leaves me perpetual trapped in needing to be, have, and do more. When I dive into stillness, immerse myself in the forest, cleanse my spirit in the ocean, surround myself with loved ones, I am reminded of a Truth my societal conditioning has robbed me of: I am already enough.

If I am already enough, what more needs to be done? What do I need to prove? Why would I myopically focus on external metrics to validate my worth?

When you look at the current state of the world – wealth inequality, ecological collapse, forever wars, government corruption, etc. – do you ever think to yourself, “it doesn’t have to be this way”?

I do. All the fucking time.

Yet, so much of our societal conditioning suggests we should simply adapt.

The Pain of Trying to “Fit In”

If an individual is struggling to ‘fit in’, they have the problem. The generally accepted interventions include psychiatric diagnoses of symptoms, a fast-track to prescription protocols, retributive justice for wrongdoing, and mind-numbing distraction through technicolour screens. Through numbing, punishment, and distraction, we don’t have the time or capacity to address the underlying cause of our suffering.

Let me say it simply: the society we live in is insane.

Do you resonate? Do you also see the emperor wears no clothes?

I can spend my energy trying to adapt to a way of being that doesn’t resonate with my internal knowing, OR I can invest my energy into building a bridge for the new story, where I align with the abundance and the beauty in and around me – the deep knowing this world is alive – and act in accordance.

The Power of Choice

Where can I start to bridge the gap? A simple, yet profound shift that’s really serving me is moving from “I have to…”, to “I choose to…”. After all, life doesn’t happen to us, it happens through us. I cannot experience the true magic and beauty of this human existence until I become a conscious and active participant in it.

The modern day challenges we face – forever wars, homelessness, poverty, suicide, corruption, oppression, ecological genocide, etc. – are a symptom of the disharmony with the natural order of things. This is not the ultimate expression of human civilization. In the clutch of the deep despair we all experience, there is a knowing: it doesn’t have to be this way.

There is a more beautiful world waiting at our doorstep, filled with potential and possibility – a world where there is enough for everyone and all beings are treated as sacred.

So what is your part to play in creating this more beautiful world? How do you choose to act in accordance with your soul’s calling?

If you don’t know what to do, the best thing is to do nothing at all. Then, you can give yourself permission to act from a different spirit. To act from a different force that isn’t fear. It isn’t the panic of “I don’t know what to do, let me just do what I used to do… that feels a little safer”.

Instead act from a spirit of play, a spirit of exploration. Follow what makes you feel ALIVE. Give yourself permission to let go of fear to do things that seem illogical, irrational, naive, irresponsible, or impractical.

Spirituality is not something that exists outside of us. It is something we do. Our thoughts, words and actions are a prayer to the world we want to live in. The fabric of this more beautiful world will not be published on your Instagram timeline. It is happening in the small moments – spending quality time with loved ones, being kind to the cashier, acknowledging the humanity in the homeless person you walk past, tending to the soil, being generous without any expectation of return.

And remember, our impact is not conditional on our status, position, influence, or wealth. Rather, it is in doing the small things, with great Love.

What will you choose to do with this magical life you’ve been gifted?


Follow Your Fuck Yes Part 3: Practical Application


Follow Your Fuck Yes Part 1: The Paradox of Choice